Friday, December 29, 2006

The countryside of Kenya

And so it begins, my year in Sigowet, Kenya. We arrived in Kisumu on the 23rd, got picked up (two hours later then announced, but I'm slowly getting used to the world famous African time) by our next door neighbour (and head of the school which Ingeborg will be working in), Sammy. Since arriving in Sigowet, we have learned quite a lot:
  • houses here don't have carpets on the floors, and we are desperately looking for one to put on our cold, cement floors.
  • When Kenyans buy basic food, they always include at least 2 kg of sugar. Why? To put in their chai, which they drink at least 4 times a day. Our gigantic bag of sugar will last more than the year we will stay here, I think. The Wazungu take their tea black. Or with milk only.
  • It is impossible to hide anywhere when you are the only two white persons in the area. Not that I need to hide all that often, but blending in anywhere seems quite difficult at the moment.
  • Kenyan children are seen, but rarely heard when there are adults present. At Christmas, there were about 6 young children in the living room, along with 3 sets of parents. Not a sound from the children until they were alowed to leave the room to go out and play.
And this was just the beginning...I have tried to write a bit during this week in Sigowet, and saved the text on a stick which I of course forgot to bring with me here, but it's in our hotel, so hopefully I'll remember it tomorrow. I have to admit that I miss not having internet in Sigowet.
And this was just the first week.

Oh, almost forgot: really nice that some of you leave comments here! (And one last thing: the man sitting next to me here at the internet cafe, just asked if he could touch my hair. And now he tells me that I remind him of a "very beautiful moviestar". He he. Strange feeling to be this "popular", if you could call it that.)

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