Saturday, February 3, 2007

Domestic duties

We had planned to get a housekeeper to help us clean the house and wash our clothes, but so far we’ve managed on our own. It is not that I all of a sudden love doing housework (that would surprise you, wouldn’t it, mamma?), but we have plenty of time to do it, and it’s a good workout, sweeping and washing the house. A thing we’ve learned, is that cleaning the house before we leave for three days, is not a good idea. In Norway, the house would still be clean when you got back. Here, however, a large number of different bugs have visited the house – and died – while we were away, and thus leaving us with more sweeping to do.

The Kenyan way of washing has also made me discover new ways of getting blisters. Washing all our clothes by hand makes the outside of our fingers sore, because of the way we rub the clothes between our hands (and you can not blame our technique, we learned from the pros next door!). I guess we could use rubber gloves to protect our hands, but when in Africa, do as the Africans…And besides, I hate rubber gloves.

Washing floors manually is of course not a new experience to me– but washing an entire house with no stick to put the cloth on, is. You can definately feel it in your back afterwards.

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