Friday, January 5, 2007

Daily life

The first week of 2007 is coming to an end, and day by day I feel more at home in Sigowet. On Tuesday we invited our neighbours for a Norwegian dinner. We made (from scratch, of course!) vegetable lasagne, pasta salad, pancakes, jam (from some plums we bought in Kisumu. My first time making jam, was really good!) and bread rolls (grove rundstykker, vet ikke helt hva det heter paa engelsk). We had 9 visitors, and our living room is more than big enough for all of us.

We will start working on Monday, but until then we can plan our days as we like, and luckily we have no problems entertaining ourselves: we cook, play games, paint (to decorate the bare walls), listen to music, watch dvds, read, sew (mainly me, Inga goes jogging instead) and take walks in the neighbourhood. I have been studying for the past 7 years, and it is just the most fantastic feeling not having to prepare for any exam anymore. And I am never cold here, haven't wore socks for weeks - am I lucky or what...

No pictures today either, this computer has no USB port. And by the way, I have now made it possible for anyone to comment on my blog, you don't need a google account or have to register. So please do!


Anne said...

Hi Africa friend!

We really enjoy reading your blog! You are really getting the "Africa experience" compared to us down in Cape Town. Do come down for a visit if you get the time!


Anne and Espen

Åsmund Ådnøy said...

Hello sister! Now that we have your adress, we are preparing an envelope with all sorts of typical stuff from back home. Lefses, lusekofts, fenalårs and bunads are coming your way! Well, not quite, but we hope to find things that you will appreciate.

Still no snow here. I am working on the oldest of the four bedrooms, feeling like the handiest of handymen. Good thing nobody can see me and shatter my illusions.

Wishing you all the best in your life as a teacher!


Anonymous said...

Hei Mari!

No har eg endeleg tatt meg tid til å lese bloggen din! Ting tek tid no om dagen. Har sendt deg ein e-post med bilete av det vi er mest opptekne av om dagen, nemleg vår vesle Mari!
Håpar livet i Kenya held fram som no. Lukke til!!

Helsing og klem frå Åshild (Jo Even helsar også).

P.S.: eg skjemst, men eg har ikkje skrive engelsk på ein del år, og valte difor det enklaste alternativet...nokon må jo syte føre at du ikkje gløymer norsken (ja, så Ingeborg slepp bere den børa aleine)

Anonymous said...

Hei vennen...Nå sitter jeg med noen tårer i øynene (bildet av deg og barna var veldig flott) og leser om "det nye livet" ditt i Kenya, det virker jo kjempespennende foreløpig:) Savner deg masse,veldig rart å tenke på at du skal være borte så lenge!

Har jeg forresten fortalt deg at jeg skal være stab her i Oslo til sommeren - sammen med Mads? Det blir kjempespennende!!

Håper du har det bra, det er et stort eventyr du er ute på nå!

Kjempeglad i deg, sender masse klemmer!


Anonymous said...
