Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Masai Mara

Having conquered the mountain, it was now time for the biggest tourist attraction in Kenya: Masai Mara, the famous national park on the border to Tanzania (changes name to Serengeti in T) where the Masai people live. This time our visitor was Ingeborg's father. We arrived Sunday evening, just in time to visit a nearby Masai village. The Masai people are world famous for their nomadic life, cattle, lion hunting and bright red/orange clothes that they wrap around themselves. Not so famous outside Kenya are the Masai's disregard for Kenyan laws; they still openly practices female circumcision, keep many children out of school and marry off the women at a very young age. Still interesting to see how they live, very differently from any other village I've visited in Kenya. On the picture are three masai warriors who dance the welcoming dance - in this part they prove their strength by jumping as high up as they can while making grunting noises.

On Monday we had a full day of game driving in the park, a great day! The landscape is breathtaking, just like being in one of those movies you've seen. Masai Mara is maybe most famous for the wildebeest migration that takes place every year as millions of wildebeest cross rivers and walk miles in search of green grass. We didn't actually see them crossing the river, but the thousands we saw were still quite impressive. Many og them had crossed the river a few days ago, dead wildebeest lay in the river, others were half eaten by crocodiles.

Apart from wildebeest we saw several lions, two cheetahs, a leopard, many elephants, hippos, giraffes, crocodiles, a number of different gazelles, monkeys, zebras, birds - we were lucky! Yesterday we had a drive in the morning before we drove to Nairobi.


Anonymous said...

hi ms. mari! im struck with awe when i first saw ur blog because apparently, we chose the same names! im mhel and im from marikina philippines thats why i call myself a marikenya.. :)

i was amused before why foreigners would ask me in chat if im from kenya, the reason for me now is clear. thanks to u! i've met kenyans in seminars i attended to and even danced and sang with me during our socialization. ur blog brings back memories.

i hope you can add me in your links and i will add u too because im really happy we have the same name and even have the same passion -- love for the place were in!

thanks and take care!


Anonymous said...

I totally agree with you as far as masai mara is concerned. It is national reserves like these that make Keny a Top safari destination. Masai Mara is my favourite destination.