Wednesday, January 9, 2008

This is the end

I never meant for my blog to end in the middle of August, more than a month prior to my departure from Kenya. I wanted to write lots more, about the rest of our holiday (attended a wedding!) , the last weeks in school (really busy, teachers leaving and new ones beginning, and the final exams kept getting closer), the visit from Samnanger (two teachers and 6 pupils stayed in Sigowet for almost a week) in September, our farewell party (so sad! But amazing to hear all those nice words from our colleagues, friends, neighbours) ) and our journey home (too much luggage, a big pile of presents, letters from all our pulis..) - and much more should have been said.

I can blame parts of my dying blog on our none excisting internet connection during August and September. And I didn't spend a single day in Kisumu (our regular blog writing place) in September - we were too busy elsewhere. However, several people have told me lately that they're still waiting for that final wrap up - even though they know I've been home for more than 3 months now. So this is it.

When we got home in the beginning of October we stayed 4 weeks in Samnanger kommune (our emplyer, next to Fredskorpset) and did different kinds of follow up work from our stay in Kenya. We visited the three schools, showed the pupils and teachers pictures and talked about the job we had done. We also met with the local administration and attended an international night in Samnanger.

Since then I've moved to Stavanger to work, and this is where I am now. I'm happy about being home, but miss Kenya (and Kenyans!) a lot. But you can't have everything at the same time.

About the Kenyan election and the violence thereafter: A lot can be said about it, but I don't think it's my place to do it now. I'm just hoping that things will work out for Kenya very soon, and that not too much has been destroyed that can't be rebuilt.

Maybe I'll post some pictures from the events I've just mentioned, but generally speaking, this blog is now closed. Should you have any questions concerning it, please email me.

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