Saturday, April 21, 2007

Cape Town

After five nights in Cape Town (and luckily, five more to go) I can confirm all those "it's such a wonderful city"-statements. It truly is. Beautiful scenery (mountains! ocean!), good roads (after four months in Kenya you really know how to appreciate a good road..), friendly people and amazing food. I don't think I've had the chance to get really hungry at all this week, every time I'm about to get hungry, I eat a lot (too much!) of fantastic food, and there are so many nice places that I want to try before I leave.

And I've done a fair bit of shopping. Found an amazing bead shop, and those who know me well can easily imagine my enthusiasm when I found an entire shop (two floors!)dedicated to beads. And dirt cheap! Already bought a lot (and I really mean A LOT!), don't know how to be able to get it all back with me.

And I've done some tourist things as well: went to Cape Point on Wednesday, which is the most southwestern point of Africa (not quite the most Southern though) with three friends I met the day before. That's one of the advantages of staying in a hostel - you meet great people all the time.
Top picture: windy at Cape Point. Bottom: Still windy at Cape Point.

1 comment:

Espen said...

The enthusiasm was clearly visible in her eyes when she found and told us about the bead-shop.

Enjoy the rest of your stay here in Cape Town! :)