Friday, January 12, 2007

Life in general

“How is life?” Kenyans ask me as a general greeting. “Life is good”, I reply. And it is. I feel that Sigowet is my home, I know what kind of food I can buy in Sigowet, where to buy it and what the price is. I know how to greet people, in English, Swahili and Kipsigis. I live in a house with running water, WC, a working stove and fridge, and every other weekend I have the chance to go to a bigger town to buy Western food and swim in a pool at a hotel. And the sun is shining every day. Today Ingeborg got a text message from her mother, saying that it had been raining for 70 days in a row in Bergen. Can’t say that I miss the “winter” weather of the Norwegian coast.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Mari! It's the first time I check out your blogg, and it's so nice to read how you're doing on the African countryside! :) It must be so exciting! (envyous..;))
Hope you're having a nice weekend! I'll write you again soon. :)