Saturday, April 21, 2007

Wine tasting

A great Saturday: Decided to check out a "food, wine and livestyle" thing in the centre of Cape Town. Paid R50 (NOK45) without quite knowing what that would get us (us = Bernd, Justin and me, we share a dorm. Helen and Greg, you should have been there also!). We got a lot. Have tasted an unknown number of South African wines and eaten a lot af nice food, including olives, cheese, Thai food, chocolate, mustard, chili sauces, bread...And my holiday still isn't nearly over yet.

The pictures don't match the text. But I have no pictures from the wine tasting day, so I put these in instead. Paul, Leah and Fefe at Cape Town Backpackers, and view from Table Mountain, looking at the cable car.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Å, vi fikk ikke dratt til Table mountain fordi det var tåke da vi skulle dit! I stedet ble vi stående ved banen, dessverre. Kan tenke meg det var fint der.